Monday 3 November 2014


    Numbers in The Village, apart from 2 of course, the most frequently used numbers are 8, 10, 12, 14, 22. Number 93 who confesses that he’s inadequate in ‘A Change of Mind,’ used to have the number 250 in ‘The General.’ So according to the hierarchy of the number system in The Village, the man {if fictionally speaking 250 and 93 are the same character} was promoted from 250 to 93, but then became disharmonious. However it would seem that confession is good for one, because the next time we encounter 93 he is a delegate of the Assembly in ‘Fall Out.’ Having been brought back into the fold so to speak. He’s easily recognisable by the grey bushy beard poking out from under his black and white mask. He reads out the charge against the Prisoner-No.48. He is charged with a most serious breach of social etiquette, a total defiance of the elementary rules which sustain the community of The Village. Questioning the decisions of those voted to govern them, unhealthy aspects of speech and dress, not in accordance with general practise, and the refusal to observe, wear or respond to his number!  As for Number 48, I always wondered why, like the former Number 6, he was also allowed to wear his own clothes, feeling happier as himself I suppose. Perhaps he had arrived at ‘Fall Out’ by a different means to that of Number 6! I wonder what 48’s equivalent Number 1 might be like, someone sensible perhaps, not a hippy that’s “dropped out!”

Be seeing you

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