Sunday 16 November 2014

Prisoner - Man!

    It is an opinion that ‘Danger Man’ contains the reason behind the Prisoner’s resignation. Doing the type of work he had to do, sometimes against people he liked, or against his better judgement or moral ideals, and yes against his conscience. Besides the life of as secret agent can be a relatively short one. Either he or she has come to the end of their usefulness, their nerve has gone, or their cover blown.
   As for the last couple of episodes of ‘Danger Man,’ it struck me that it’s more like Patrick McGoohan is simply going through the motions of playing John Drake. The character and stories taken as far as they can go. He wanted to do something different, he had ‘the Prisoner’ in mind. And yet he could never have known what effect such a series would have on people, including himself! In the end he had become a prisoner of 'the Prisoner,' and in the end like the former Number 6 he had to escape!


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