Thursday 6 November 2014

Prisoner – Number 1!

    Perhaps being Number 1 is no better that being Number 6, perhaps it's worse in some ways. Wanting to be a free man, and achieving that ambition are two different things. Even though Number 6 is a prisoner in The Village, there is a certain freedom within the prison. Certainly freedom of movement, even if only within its boundaries. But for Number 1, there is no such freedom of movement. He cannot go out and about The Village, the black and white mask, along with white cowled robe together with the number 1, would be a bit of a giveaway! And yet, if such a robed figure had been seen abroad in The Village, any such figure might have been construed as a phantom!
    And yet if Number 1 had decided to take himself off out into The Village, who would have known who he was? After all during the time prior ‘Fall Out,’ no-one in The Village knew who Number 1 was, he was but a disembodied voice on the end of the telephone. And even if Number 1 prior to ‘Fall Out’ looked like Number 6, he could have gone out and about The Village dressed identically to Number 6, and if anyone should see him, then they would think him to be Number 6. After all it had been done before, when Curtis/Number 12 had been living in The Village impersonating Number 6 in ‘The Schizoid Man.’

Be seeing you

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