Saturday 15 November 2014

Thought For The Day

     Number 6 lives in a detached cottage, and it may be looked upon as though he was being set apart from his neighbours, although that might be reading too much into it. And yet the Professor and Madam Professor lived in their own house. A very large house indeed, with all its elaborate furnishings, and private garden. Such is their position that allows certain privileges. However it would appear that those privileges do not entail being allowed out into The Village itself. It seems that the Professor and his wife are under house arrest, and he garden could be seen as the exercise yard of a prison, although originally they must have been allowed out into The Village at some point. I can imagine Madam Professor entering the exhibition of arts and crafts during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ that would be right up her street. Arriving at such a conclusion because of the bust of Number 2 {Leo Mckern} which Number 6 uncovered along with a bust of himself, and that of Number 2 {Colin Gordon}. Then for some reason both the Professor and his wife were confined to their house and garden, the garden in which Madam Professor held her art seminars. The Professor was allowed to leave the house, but only to go and work in the General’s office. But on one other occasion he did managed to escape the confines of his house, and made it down onto the beach in order to hide his tape recorder in the sand, where it was found by Number 6. Why were the Professor and Madam Professor confined to their house? Well the Professor was there to work, not to enjoy himself. And it stopped Madam Professor mingling with other people, perhaps to seek help, maybe from Number 6, as women in distress usually seek out his help! But Number 6 went seeking the Professor, after picking up his distress call about the General and Speedlearn!

Be seeing you

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