Tuesday 25 November 2014

Thought For The Day

   It's interesting that most numbers which are frequently used in The Village, are even numbers, or have something to do with the numbers 2, 6 or 8. 8 is the first Number "allowed" after Number 6, 10 is near 8, and 6 added to 2 times 2. 12 is 2 times 6, 14 is 2 times 7. Even Number 93, maybe was chosen because 9 less 3 equals 6. But perhaps too much is being read into this, after all it’s the simplest thing to make something represent what we wish it to represent. And yet on the other hand , perhaps the scriptwriters looked for patterns in the numbers. Unless the numbers were chosen purely at random!
  Number 48. I have sometimes wondered why, like the former Number 6, he was allowed to wear his own clothes, feeling happier as himself. Perhaps he had arrived at ‘Fall Out’ but by a different means to that of Number 6! I wonder what 48’s equivalent Number 1 might have been like, someone sensible perhaps, not a hippy that’s “dropped out!”
    Number 48 is more like the Court Jester, who was the only person at Court who told things the way there were. The only person allowed to criticise the King and get away with it. Although 48 doesn’t say that much, he does amuse and entertain. Which is more that Roland Walter Dutton does! Ah, back to Dutton as a Jester. Now at the court of trial against the Prisoner, he was the only person considered fit to say the things that needed to be said! Yes 48 is allowed to state his case, but he’s more the Court Jester, there simply for the purpose of entertainment!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    I like those thoughts. Personally I'd like to think they chose the numbers partly randomly, but partly clearly deliberately, especially in the case of Number 12 in Schizoid Man. And Number 8 in COBB, when she moved to the apartment next to Number 6's.

    As for Number 48, he might be there to entertain, but nevertheless he is very successful in creating chaos, isn't he? So they wanted a Court Jester, but they really underestimated his power.

    Very best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,
      An interesting comment. As a matter of fact originally Nadia's number was to ahve been 9, but was later changed to 8.
      48 is very good at creating chaos and mayhem. He's a disruptive influence. They may have underestimates his power, suh as it was. They soon had 48 overpowered and put in a place of security.

      Very kind regards

    2. Hello David,
      I think it's an interesting question why they did decide to change the Number from 9 to 8. Who knows...

      That's right, they overpowered him, I hadn't thought about it. But on the other hand afterwards even the president began to call him "young man". Well.. although it didn't help him , he was brought to his orbit tube nevertheless.

      Another question regarding Number 48: Why the bell?

      Best wishes

    3. Hello Jana,
      Perhaps the change of number was as simple as Chimes being second to Arrival, and there had already been a female Number 9 who had betrayed Number 6

      I think you young man was a drop-out from The Village! Remember the President's words when he said the young man "was" with them, but then he went and gone!

      The bell? Many hippies in the 1960's wore flowers in their hair, and bells!

      Very kind regards
