Saturday 8 November 2014

Village Life!

   I've sometimes wondered how Alison-Number 24 got on with her entry into the photographic competition for The Village Festival. Not very well I should think, not if she used that Polaroid camera! She would have been better off using a 35mm camera. And yet the drawback of using a 35mm camera in this scene would have been, it would not be almost instant. And Number 6 wouldn't have had that Polaroid picture containing the bruised fingernail!
   And then of course there was Alison's mind reading act, also for The Village Festival. Yes she and Number 6 were simpatico, but surely that wouldn't have helped Alison with her mind reading act at the Festival, Number 6 would have also have had to been part of that act. She might have been able to pick a circle, square, cross, three wavy lines, or a star of the Zener cards out of Number 6's mind, but what is the likelihood of that happening with someone else? As with Number 6!
   Number 6 and Alison would have made a good team with their mind reading act, because their apparent mental link was natural, where as with Curtis and Alison it was nothing more than an act. And it was very well practised with Curtis, no doubt in '6 Private,' just as Alison had practised her mind reading with Number 6 at the outset of the episode. Each card Alison called out was correct, because of the five ways Curtis emphasised the word "Now." If Curtis had helped Alison with her mind reading act at The Village Festival, they would have been a sensation!


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