Monday 1 December 2014

It’s Inexplicable!

    In ‘the General,’ during the Professor’s final lecture, the projectionist is sat looking through a periscope. Why? What is he observing? I have seen something like this before somewhere, besides a periscope in a submarine, but in a room somewhere on land, and several periscopes in that room. But I cannot remember where I’ve seen them. They were being used for observation work by scientists. Perhaps to observe the aftermath of the detonation of an atomic bomb, but I cannot be sure. But unfortunately that doesn’t go to explain what the technician is observing in this case! Perhaps they would have used the periscope to observe the launching of the fall out rocket when the time came!



  1. It's actually a microscope, David. Necessary to detect the amount of use- and meaningful Speedlearn knowledge which otherwise would remain invisible to everybody. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Crickey! that's clever thinking of you. Speedlearn - a pin prick of knowledge, and not an ounce of knowledege is wasted!

      Very kind regards
