Friday 19 December 2014


    “I want to get back to New York.”
   “That’s not possible, there is no
New York….. there is only The Village!” 
                                                           {Six and Two - Arrival}

    When I heard Two speak those words, at first I thought that The Village was sanctuary after some apocalyptic event. That’s why there was no New York, nowhere else for that matter, only The Village, with hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles of desert in every direction. But of course I soon realised that I was utterly wrong about that, otherwise where had the Prisoner come from? The Village perhaps!
    And yet The Village of THEPRIS6
NER-09 isn’t the first place to been found in the middle of nowhere. Meadowlands, like The Village is surrounded by nothing but hundreds and hundreds of miles of rocky terrain and mountains in all directions.    
    At the time ‘Cape Wrath’ {2007} was seen to be the “modern-day Prisoner.” enjoying a rather less subtle "Prisoneresque" influence, in the fact that instead of The Village, there is Meadowlands, where the Brogan family are taken blindfold under the "Witness protection Programme." Meadowlands is a curious community where everyone has a secret. People having been given new names, fresh identities, but still remain the people they were. Because you can change your names, change your identity, but you still carry who you are inside your head!
Cape Wrath’ is a cross between ‘the Prisoner’ and ‘Twin peaks." Meadowlands looks a typical New England town, but there is no leaving, no way out, you are there for life! Once Mrs. Brogan and her daughter decided to go shopping in the next town. I watched and wondered just what was going to stop Mrs. Brogan and her daughter from leaving Meadowlands? The white membranic Village Guardian was obviously out of the question. Then something else from "the Prisoner popped into my mind, the words of the Supervisor "Attention post 14, attention post14. Now approaching Outer Zone in out vehicle. Number 6, I repeat Number 6." And that is just what happened to Mrs, Brogan and her daughter, well of a kind. At a petrol station, as Mrs. Brogan was paying for her petrol, a young girl approached her daughter pretending to be a friend of hers. She upset Mrs. Brogan's daughter so much, that Mrs. Brogan turned the car around and drove her home! Later I observed the very same young girl leaving what I think as being the Supervisor’s office in an administration building of the Motel. A female Supervisor, with a large wall screen in her office, as with the Supervisor and wall screen in the Control Room of The Village in "the Prisoner!"
    There was what I can only described as an in-joke during the “
midnight football match” of the first episode, when Mr. Brogan was given the yellow tabard of No.6!    
   Just as people have been abducted to The Village the information inside their heads is of great value to one side or the other. Those taken to Meadowlands, having been taken there for their own protection, don't know where they are, just as those citizens in The Village don't know where they are, and there is no escape for any of them. Each have secrets of their own. Secrets that they would prefer no one else to know, and therefore need to be protected.

Be seeing you

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