Monday 1 December 2014

Thought For The Day

    During ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ Nadia attempts to swim away from The Village. Despite her telling Number 6 that she could not swim so far, the 30 miles to the Polish coast, she is actually brought back to the beach by three membranic Guardians, one larger than the other two, are released from the “host” somewhere on the seabed. Other than that, one large segment is released, and then after release “it” sub-divides itself into three Guardians, producing two more, but smaller than itself. The same happens when Number 6 jumps overboard out of the jet boat in ‘Free For All,’ and is taken “under tow” so to speak, by three Guardians. I wonder when working together, as they do in these two instances, are the three Guardian acting with but one conscious thought {if the Guardians are capable of conscious thought} seeing as they have been released from a main host. Or because of that release, perhaps the three Guardians work together, but each with independent thought, as individuals. Figuratively speaking, when a seed head bursts and releases its seeds, each seed then becomes individual. It is the same with a clove of garlic, when the cloves are broken from the main bulb, they become independent segments. In this regard it might be the same with The Village Guardian.

Be seeing you

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