Tuesday 27 January 2015

Quote For The Day

    “And so the great day is nearly over” says Number 6 mockingly “came off rather well I thought. Better than planned. And now you can look forward to your own retirement, and I’m sure they’ll arrange something equally suitable for you, when the day comes. Be seeing you….won’t I?”
                                        {Number 6 – It’s Your Funeral}
   Number 6 left off with a question “Be seeing you….won’t I?” Possibly wouldn't, although it could be seen that this new Number 2 would have ideas of his own to get back at Number 6 for his interference. And yet Number 2 only had himself to blame. Had he studied the Prisoner’s file more closely he would have realised that any plan which involved Number 6 never succeeded. The fact is this new Number 2 had failed and therefore it is only to be expected that Number 6 would not “Be seeing” him the next day. Unless of course there was no-one to replace Number 2 immediately, as we do not know how long it is before any failed Number 2 is replaced. And yet in ‘Arrival’ Number 2 is replaced within hours, by the next day!

Be seeing you

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