Monday 19 January 2015

The Village

    Was The Village really evacuated during the ‘Fall Out?’ Yes we see people running about The Village, and away along the beach, and two security guards racing through The Village in a Mini-Moke. However we do not see people actually boarding the helicopters, only a number of helicopters taking off from different points of The Village. Might it not be that the apparent evacuation was staged, and is nothing more than another manipulation of community for the benefit of Number 6, thereby giving the opportunity for escape for 6 and his three confederates. This in the safe knowledge that as in ‘Many Happy Returns,’ the Prisoner would soon be returned to The Village!

Be seeing you


  1. What would the neighbours think? If the Village, as insinuated, was really located in the greater and densly populated London area - imagine the all the buzzing, the rumours that would be going round if the Village was actually destroyed and blasted off. I am inclined to believe that it wasn't destroyed, also for financial reasons. But what about THE SEA, THE MOUNTAINS then? Where would those geographical features have been? - BCNU!

    1. Anyone who believes that the Village is fixed geographically has completely missed the point of The Prisoner.

  2. Imagine how Number 6 must have felt when he realised that he had been so close to his home, and all the time.. poor chap.

    @Anonymous: ever heard about irony? Anyone who tries to understand the Prisoner but does ignore irony "has completely missed the point of The Prisoner".

    1. I do not know why you are being so aggressively defensive, Jana. I simply made a short comment about The Prisoner, about the people who insist that it must have a physical location, when clearly it doesn't, that's all.

    2. You're mistaken, thinking I'd be backing the thesis that the Village had a physical location. If it's me you're speaking of but we can agree here. But the case is more difficult. In fact it has one at the beginning of the story with the spy who is abducted to some strange place. No one would doubt that. Or else one is inclined to assume it was all a fantasy or a dream or a hallucination. It has been argued so in the past. It isn't before "Fall Out" that the Village, I’m firmly convinced, becomes sort of a mental manifestation. Hence it hardly makes sense trying to detect the "real" location, next to London, in the Baltics or southwest of Morocco. - BCNU!
