Friday 30 January 2015

Thought For The Day

    ZM73 was on a mission that morning. He woke up, washed, shaved, dressed, had breakfast, took the letter of resignation he had written the night before and left the house. Something had happened to make ZM73, a man once loyal and devoted to his work make that decision to resign his job. He stormed along that darkened corridor of the underground car park, but where he went to after leaving the car park is unknown. In a building unknown ZM73 pulls open a pair of doors, and storms into an office. A balding man wearing spectacles is sat behind a desk. He is a bureaucrat of the Establishment. ZM73 paces up and down ranting at the man sitting behind the desk, who does no more then toy with his ballpoint pen. An envelope is taken from a pocket, ZM73 slams it down onto the desk stamping it with his fist, and upsetting a teacup in its saucer, and tea plate in the process. Then he storms out, presumably back to the underground car park.
    So what happens then? We know that there’s a black hearse waiting at the entrance to the car park. Waiting for a green, yellow nose Lotus Seven to emerge which it followed through the streets of
London, before arriving in Buckingham Place. The two undertakers wait for the man living at Number One to arrive home. Did that bureaucrat to whom ZM73 handed in his letter of resignation, then telephone the Colonel to inform him of this recent event, if so, what action then did the Colonel take? Did he then contact Sir Charles Portland, and if so, what action did he take? Might this have resolved in setting two undertakers onto ZM73, ordered as they did to follow him home, and from there to abduct him? If so they were mightily quick off the mark, to be waiting at the entrance of the car park the way they were.
    Perhaps the advent of the two undertakers, and ZM73’s subsequent abduction had nothing whatsoever to do with his resignation. You will recall how ZM73 had been under close observation, the hidden cameras in his house. There was a click, something in the mirror, or was it over there? Yes, over there too! Whether or not it was his own people who had had ZM73 under such close surveillance in unknown. However it is doubtful that it would be the other side, as in the Russians. It is always possible that The Village is independent of both sides, however that seems just as unlikely, as Number 6 was under the impression that it’s run by one side or the other. More likely another department or other within  British Intelligence. MI5 would be favourite if that was the case. So, whichever department, for whatever reason, ZM73 at some point became destined for The Village. If not because of the reason behind his resignation, then perhaps because of the kind of calibre ZM73 was. Have him taken to The Village, put him in isolation, put him to the test and see what kind of man he is! It didn’t take them long to find out! What’s more ZM73 wasn’t the first. He followed in the footsteps of Cobb, Dutton, as well as Chambers who had become “late” of the Foreign Office. And for all that is known, perhaps even both the Colonel and Fotheringay. After all Number 2 of both ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ and ‘Once Upon A time,’ a man of the Establishment, of the House of Lords in the Houses of Parliament, had once been abducted to The Village as a prisoner. Sadly he resisted for so short a time. Well he was like Roland Walter Dutton, was without training in resistance to interrogation techniques, unlike ZM73.

Be seeing you

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