Monday 5 January 2015

Village Life!

   “My breakfast hasn’t arrived yet. It’s bound to be cold again!”

   “Oh it’s you! What do you want?”
    “You’re grumpy this morning. Haven’t you had breakfast?”
    “No! The maid hasn’t brought it yet! And when she does I bet its cold again.”
    “Perhaps she doesn’t realise how impatient you are!”
    “Can’t you hurry her up a bit?”
    “Its not her fault, it’s the transport!”
    Perhaps this what the Prisoner was looking out of his French window for, rather than to see what the weather was like, to see if the maid Number 54 was on her way with his breakfast. This is not the first time that Number 6’s personal maid had brought him his breakfast. There was also Number 58 in ‘Free For All.’ If only ‘Dance of the Dead' had preceded ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ because its no wonder Number 6 went on to make his own breakfast, instead of waiting for his maid to bring it!

Be seeing you


  1. Obviously, the Village inhabitants in 1966, gathered together one could say, fared better than the people 3 years later when the early morning announcement was made, "What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400000." The people of Woodstock. A surreal village, too. But what about the "Festival No. 6 nowadays? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Well there were certainly a lot fewer citizens in The Village in 1966 than there was at last years Festival No.6!

      Very best regards
