Saturday 21 March 2015

6 Private

    In order to have reproduced exactly the interior of the study of No.1 Buckingham Place, in both plan, layout, furnishings, fixtures, and fittings, person or persons unknown would have had to gain access to the house. To take photographs of the room and individual items, and make measurements to get the reproduction of the room in ‘6 Private’ back in The Village exact to that of the original. Also, The Village administration would have had to have prior warning of the Prisoner’s arrival in The Village, and that means the Prisoner-Number 6 must have been expected in The Village long before he handed in his resignation. This in order to make the structural changes to the interior of the round house which would be Number 6’s home from home. Let alone the time required to decorate and complete the furnishing of the study.

Be seeing you

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