Tuesday 31 March 2015

Bureau of Visual Records

    If you have ever asked yourself the question of where does the Butler live? Then here might well be the answer, in the small annex at the back of the Green Dome. Here the Butler could live quite comfortably, as his needs would probably be minimal. Also from the annex the Butler could prepare pots of tea and coffee, the occasional breakfasts for both Number 2 and any visitor he might have, and so be close at hand to serve his master at any time of the day or night.

Be seeing you


  1. Interestingly, the Prisoner novel The Prisoner's Dilemma makes a similar point. As he leaves Number 2's office, Number 6 spies, "...a door he'd never noticed, open in one wall of the Georgian anteroom. Through it he can see a cramped, cluttered alcove: a small stove, half height, with the butler quietly stirring a pot of soup.
    "He backs away, not wanting to intrude, but the butler inclines his head in formal greeting before returning to his soup. Number 6 finds himself lingering, drawn to the little room--taking in the door leading to the rest of the apartment beyond, the mixture of kitchen implements and knick-knacks filling every available space. In a rack, an eclectic assortment of wine and champagne bottles, an ornate beer stein taking pride of place. On a shelf, a miniature bird cage carefully sculpted from wire, with a hand-carved wooden cuckoo on a perch."
    Past blog posts indicate you have not read the book, but I recommend it. Though a bit long, I actually think it's the best of the Prisoner novels (not counting Miss Freedom, which I haven't got a hold of yet, but counting the three original novels published in the late '60s-early'70s). It captures the sense of the TV series better than those earlier ones, I think, while bringing a modern touch.

    1. Hello Enik1138,
      You are quite right, I have never read the novel 'The Prisoner's Dilemma,' and to be perfectly honest you are the first person I have heard from who has read the book.Looks like I should obtain a copy seeing as you recommend it.
      That's a nice paragraph describing the Butler in his own sanctum so to speak, that has never been done in any previous novel. As a matter of fact the one novel based on 'the Prisoner' which I really enjoyed is 'When In Rome' written by Roger Langely. It is a novel which really captures the atmoshere of The Village.

      Very kind regards
