Thursday 12 March 2015

More Village!

    Newcomers to The Village. They just got off the bus in The Village, they‘ve arrived, but then they got on the bus in The Village in the first place. The woman finds that just the craziest thing. In fact she’s extremely excited about being in The Village, and while on the bus she wonders if Two will be there?  The mother of the two children may be ecstatic about being in The Village, bit look carefully at the boy’s expression….he doesn’t appear that happy to be there. Perhaps he knows something his mother and sister doesn’t.
   Later this newcomer is busy painting the fence of her new home, as more and more Village is constructed. She is overwhelmed to see Two in the street. Two and his son have come to see how the construction work is coming along. The Newcomer wants Two’s autograph, so he takes the paintbrush the woman is holding and paints 2 on her overalls, much to the woman’s high delight.
    The more Village that is constructed, the less Village becomes. As it is The Village is more a metropolis than a village, perhaps it should be called The Metropolis, or The City. No, The Metropolis has more of a ring to it. 

Breathe in….breathe out….More Village
Be seeing you

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