Friday 27 March 2015

Village Life!

   “I usually make my own breakfast.”
    “Well I thought I would make breakfast for you this morning.”
    “Tea, toast, marmalade. Well I think I’ll have a full English breakfast. Bacon, eggs, two sausages, baked beans, fried tomatoes and fried bread.”
    “Yes and then you woke up. You’ll have two boiled eggs and like it!”
    “Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?”
    “Why do you ask that?”
    “You appear to have dressed in a hurry. Your badge is upside down!”
    “Perhaps I’m no longer Number Eight.”
    “No, well who are you?”
    “I’m…….I’m Un-Eight!”
    “If I turned my badge upside down like that, it would make me Nine.”
    “My Number was to have been Nine. But they said that the last woman you were involved with was Number 9. They said they couldn’t have that, so my number was changed to Eight.”
    “Do you know why eight was afraid of seven?”
    “No why?”
    “Because seven eight nine!
    “It might have been that nine eight seven!”
    “Nine eight seven?”
    “That would account for why there is no number seven in The Village!”
    “Don’t get clever, just put the eggs on!”
    “I’ll make them just like you.”
    “How’s that?”
    “Hard boiled!”

Be seeing you

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