Tuesday 7 April 2015

6 Private!

   Readers will recall a recent blog regarding Pam B’s reconstruction of the interior of 6 Private in her attic. Well I do know of another reconstruction of the study area of the interior of 6 Private, but the builder went that one step further. It was about ten or eleven years ago when I heard from Bill L from somewhere on the south coast of England. Not only had Bill constructed a study area of the interior of 6 Private, but the exterior of the cottage as well! In fact 6 Private sits very neatly in his garden.


  Bill carried out all the work himself, and sourced many of the interior fitting, fixtures, and furnishings himself. As far as he could Bill found exact copies of pieces of furniture, lamps etc. Where he couldn’t, he had to improvise. The cottage even has electricity laid on.

     I think you will agree Bill L did a tremendous job with his construction of 6 private.

Be seeing you


  1. And, who knows, perhaps he was one of those who had to reconstruct No. 6's flat, an exact replica of his London home, in the Village... - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Now there's a thought!

      Very best regards
