Tuesday 14 April 2015

Braniewo - It’s All A Bit Fishy!

    Nadia claimed that there is a little village, Braniewo, fishing people, along the coast of Poland more than thirty miles away, that they resist them, the people of The Village. That there’s a little group Nadia knows, she has a contact man. They will do anything for them once they get there. So if that’s true, and the people of the fishing village Braniewo know about The Village as Nadia suggests, then The Village wasn’t that isolated, that there is a small group who resist “them” this would suggest that the security of The Village had been broken. And if the people of Braniewo know, then surely the people would talk and gossip, the little group who resist “them” would spread the word about The Village. And yet there’s one question which comes to mind, why would The Village Administration bother themselves with the people of a small fishing village 30 miles away, let alone one in another country? Unless of course the fishing people of Braniewo were supplying The Village with fish!

Be seeing you

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