Thursday 30 April 2015

Caught On Camera!

    A one time member of the Arts and Crafts Award Committee, later becomes a medic who gives an envelope to someone whom she thinks is a doctor. Now what would a medic be doing coming out of a room in the Town Hall? And this scene wasn’t filmed all that well, because actress Lucy Griffths emerges not from a computer room, or medical examination room, but a plain electrical switch gear room!
   And who gave her the message in the first place, and how did she come by it? One can only imagine that the termination order against Roland Walter Dutton came from some higher authority, Number 1 in all probability. And not via that teleprinter either, perhaps it was faxed through! But why to a medic, and not to the Supervisor in the Control Room? It would have been as easy for the Supervisor to pass the termination order onto Number 2. But then that way Number 6 wouldn’t have been able to intercept the order. This scene seems contrived in a way, but I suppose its best not to think about it too much. One of those scenes we should really take at face value.

Be seeing you


  1. No. 6 was being observed all the time when he walked away from the carnival and through the corridors. At one point she had to meet him and hand him the termination order. Likewise, how could No. 2 have found him unless he was under surveillance? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Yes that's a fair point you make, how did Number 2 known where to find Number 6, unless he was under surveillance all the time!

      I've sometimes wonder whether it was deliberate to hold the Ball in the Town Hall, because events are usually held in the Recreation Hall. To hold the Ball in the Town Hall would to give Number 6 the opportunity to plumb the depths of the Town Hall. To go poking his nose in where it had no business, and thereby discover the body in a drawer in the mortuary. That way he would know that his plan to send a message to someone, anyone, in the outside world had failed!

      Very kind regards

    2. Hello David and Arno,
      regarding the question how they found Number 6, I remember that there was only one door he could enter. It seems as if the Village wanted him to find the mortuary, and to realize that he is already dead, so to say. So I think that's right, he was under surveillance and they wanted him to explore the depths of the town hall. Regarding the doctor coming out of the electrical switch gear room, maybe it housed another one of those teleprinters we see in the end..
      Best wishes,

    3. Hello Jana,
      Yes that's right. A pair of French doors opened automatically for Number 6, as though leading him through to the door of the Mortuary, the key to which hung on a nail by a piece of string. Number 2 knew where to find Number 6, even if there was no surveillence, as the mortuary is the only place he could go.

      Very best regards

  2. That's not Patsy Smart, that's Lucy Griffiths. She also was one of judges at the arts and crafts exhibition in The Chimes of Big Ben.

    1. Hello Roo,
      Of course it is, thank you for your comment and correcting my error. I shall amend the piece accordingly.

      Very kind regards
