Thursday 9 April 2015

Thought For The Day

    2015 sees the 6th anniversary of the 2009 series THEPRIS6NER, and on the 17th it will be the 5th anniversary of the British premier screening. I shall of course be watching the series once again commencing on the 18th of this month, for the eleventh time as it so happens. I have had a hankering to watch it again before now, but managed to restrict myself, for the simple reason that there are only six episodes, meaning it is far easier to get to know THEPRIS6NER than it was the original series. And when it comes to writing about the 2009 series, there is far less material for the writer to work with, because of there being only six episodes. And yet the same might have been said of ‘the Prisoner’ as Patrick McGoohan had originally intended the series to have seven episodes.
    So with little more that I can find to write aboutTHEPRIS6
NER what is left for me? The simple enjoyment of watching the series without having to think about it! And yet, there is always the possibility that there might be something missed, or another angle that will get the writing juices flowing again.

Be seeing you

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