Thursday 14 May 2015

An Act of Betrayal!

    After his escape from the village, and subsequent return to London during ‘Many Happy Returns,’ Number 6 went running back to his ex-colleagues, and gave away all the information he had on the installation known as THE VILLAGE. I wonder how The Village’s administration felt about this act of betrayal, how No.1 might react. Because after returning to those No.6 felt he could trust, he couldn't wait to shoot his mouth off about The Village, whilst in The Village Number 6 wouldn't give anything away!
   I suppose it's all to do with the kind of environment which you are familiar with, in the company you are in, people who you think you can trust. If that is the case, that Number 6 could actually trust both the Colonel and Thorpe, meaning that they had no prior knowledge of The Village. Then information supplied by their ex-colleague, together with the copy of The Tally Ho and that of Number 6's navigational log, plus the photographic evidence are now in the hands of others! I wonder how The Village’s administration would react to this?
   What became of the copy of The Tally Ho together with Number 6’s photographic evidence of The Village? Perhaps it was filed away in one of those grey filing cabinets we see in the opening sequence to the series!

Be seeing you

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