Saturday 4 July 2015

Caught On Camera!

   Our friend Number 6 doesn’t look none too pleased does he? Perhaps Pat’s narked off because Alexis beat him to the draw in the gunfight!
   I wonder what happened to those cardboard cut-outs of Alexis Kanner, David Bauer {the Judge}, and that horse? In all probability they were left lying about unwanted and uncared for, long after the production of the episode was complete. What might Patrick McGoohan have thought about himself having been turned into a life-size cardboard cut-out?

Be seeing you


  1. Especially when he could see himself, or his cardboard incarnation rather, standing in front of what was formely his home 6 Private, now the Prisoner shop, welcoming visitors... Something eerie about it, isn't it. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Oh no you're joking, no I can read that you are not! I saw a cut-out of Number 6 in a photograph taken at the Convention, I thought that was creepie enough, but to have it standing outside the Prisoner shop....yes I bet it is eerie. And what might it look like the first time to an unsuspecting visitor to Portmeirion?!

      Enjoy the weekend
      Very kind regards

    2. You are right. I cannot say how long this cardboard No.6 has been in use. I seem to remember that in 2013 there wasn't one. Anyway. It's the picture used also here, in lifesize:

      I mean, it is well understandable for a commercial business to use the iconic figure. However, it also leave us with the notion of uneasiness. But that's popular culture. - BCNU!

    3. Hello Arno,

      No it wouldn't be there in 2013 as the cardboard cut-outs were not produced until last year. I don't know how many of them have been bought, and so are about in the World.
      I remember how several years ago now, I made a desk-top size cardboard cut-out of Number 6. It was just under A4 size, it was a novelty at the time, but it was on my desk for quite some time, until one day it ended up in the wastepaper basket!

      Very kind regards

  2. Hello David, hello Arno,
    I just tried to imagine what it would be like if that cut-out came to life for us, just like the cut-outs in Harmony were real for the Prisoner. Must be interesting.. But I think I wouldn't like to awake.
    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,
      Such things are the stuff of nightmares!

      Very kind regards
