Thursday 2 July 2015

Prognosis Report On No.6

   Daily the subject climbs the Bell Tower, well we only have the daily prognosis as evidence of that. In much the same way as it is predicted that daily Number 6 buys a bar of soap along with the daily issue of The Tally Ho! Really is there any need for Number 6 to buy a bar of soap each day?
    Number 6 is described as being eccentric. He certainly is if he buys a bar of soap every day! And he engages with another eccentric, the artist Number 118 who paints 6’s portrait.
   Number 6 is certainly watching, waiting, constantly aggressive. Although it is possible the subject likes the view from the
Bell Tower. So what is Number 6 watching and waiting for? A light, boat, a plane, someone from his world, something of an idea left in the mind from ‘Dance of the Dead’ perhaps! 

Be seeing you

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