Monday 20 July 2015

Quote for the Day

    “Will you never learn….this is only the beginning. We have many ways and means but we do not wish to damage you permanently.”
                                                      {The new Number 6 – Free For All}

    That “Damage you permanently,” that is actually carried on through into the next episode ‘The Schizoid Man.’ in which Number 2 tells Curtis {Number 6} “It’s our prize prisoner. The one we call Number Six. Toughest case I’ve ever handled. I could crack him of course. But I can’t use the normal techniques. He’s too valuable. Mustn’t damage him permanently say our masters.” It’s a small point, but one carried through from the end of one episode into another. Another point would be “Mustn’t damage him permanently say our masters.” Not said by Number 1 then, seeing as how the word “masters” suggests more than one person. Perhaps with hindsight the masters could be the delegates of the Assembly with Number 1 being President of that Assembly. Other than that, the masters could be a body of people who are behind The Village, but somewhere back in London. And of course “Say our masters” the word “masters” having been carried over from the end of ‘Arrival,’ when on his departure from The Village Cobb tells Number 2 that he mustn’t keep his new masters waiting!

Be seeing you

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