Monday 27 July 2015

The Lure of Number 1!

   It could well be thought that Number 6 was lured to Number 1. It might be thought that it was inevitable that Number 6 should finally get to meet Number 1. After all, while in The Village Number 6 is the only citizen to ask about Number 1. “Who is Number 1?” is the persistent question during the opening sequence. He even asked the question of Number 8, while on the chessboard. She managed to avoid the question! But seeing as Number 1 is the boss, and Number 6 had defeated Number 2 who is second to one, it seemed natural that Number 6 should ask for Number 1.
   But he didn’t ask to see Number 1 in a rocket! However could it really be imagined, that Number 6 would get to meet Number 1 in an oak panelled drawing room? The two men sitting in armchairs discussing matters over a glass of Brandy. Or perhaps to meet in an office like Number 2’s in order to argue out the situation there. If they had, what might the outcome between them be? Certainly the opportunity for escape would have been limited, if not impossible, depending on the outcome of the meeting. But then how to rid himself of his alter ego? To lay hands upon him and strangle the very life out of him would be one way. Or perhaps the better way would be the physical absorbance of 1 by 6, or the other way around {as in the case of Harold Pelham ‘The Man Who Haunted Himself’} in order to leave the “one” man standing!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    I like this scene, Number 1 and Number 6 sitting in armchairs enjoying Brandy.. Would have been one more great nod to James Bond movies..

    Just had a thought.. if they hadn't found a way to come along with each other, why not schedule another Degree Absolute and settle it out?

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,
      It would have been too civilised for Number 1 and Number 6 to sit in armchairs and discuss the situation between themseves. Also questions would have been asked, questions which would be expected to be answered, and it would have been Patrick McGoohan who would have had to provide the answers, and he was never very good at that.
      But I like the idea of Number 6 and Number 1 resolving the situation one way or another in the Embryo Room, that would have been good to see.

      Very best regards

    2. Good morning David,
      yes, it seems unlikely to have them both sitting there. But that's why I'd love to see it .. both on the edge of madness but trying to stay calm, and Patrick McGoohan trying to figure out what to say and trying to avoid definite answers as well.. I guess it could have been something like "Pop goes the weasel" just to get out of it. Or maybe a scene like in Free For All, with the labour manager offering tea to a confused Number 6.
      But we'll never know, and the meeting we see is the best one we could possibly get, in my opinion. And the most appropriate one.

      Very best regards,

    3. Good afternoon Jana,
      I enjoyed reading your comment. "Patrick McGoohan trying to figure out what to say and trying to avoid definite answers as well.. I guess it could have been something like "Pop goes the weasel" just to get out of it" particularly tickled my fancy!
      Very kind regards
