Saturday 19 September 2015

Be Seeing You – Badges – Village Salute!

    Have you observed how nearly all the citizens in The Village wear badges with right facing Penny Farthings, and make The Village salute with their right hands? However in ‘Arrival’ an Oriental taxi takes the Prisoner on a drive through The Village, at the end of which she stops the taxi outside the General Stores. The Prisoner alights the taxi, and the Oriental girl tells him that the trip is 2 Units. The Prisoner doesn’t have any Credit Units, so she tells him that he can pay her next time. The girl is wearing a left-hand facing Penny Farthing on her badge and gives a left-handed salute. Although it could be said that the taxi driver uses her left hand to give the salute because of the way she faces him. But on the whole, might it be the case that right-handed citizens wear right-hand facing Penny Farthings on their badges, and vice versa for left-handed citizens?

Be seeing you

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