Thursday 1 October 2015

Bureau of Visual Records

    This Mini-Moke is an unmarked vehicle, not a regular taxi, but a vehicle used by bomb disposal, what’s more it has a very distinctive high pitched whining siren. Its crew were called to attend to a suspicious Cuckoo clock left at the door of the Green Dome by Number 6. However once the said suspect device was dismantled, it was found that that’s all it was, a Cuckoo clock!
    Other unmarked Mini-Mokes are used as an ambulance, which tows a red cross trailer. Red cross that’s a laugh, It may well be supposed that the Red Cross never got anywhere near The Village! There is one other unmarked Mini-Moke, it has a black and white striped canopy, although its not actually seen in The Village, obscured by the cortège. Used for Cobb’s funeral, and no doubt for other funerals, that of the Professor, Number 12, and Number 113, and Number 73……….The Village hearse!

Be seeing you

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