Friday 27 November 2015

A favourite Scene In the Prisoner

   Is when Number 2 opens the blinds of a window of Number 6’s cottage and then looks out of the window. It always makes me think that this could reflect how Number 2 possibly looked out upon The Village the first time he had been brought there, after having been brought back for a third time. How he must have hated that. But three times? Well the first would be when he was originally brought to The Village as a prisoner. You will recall in ’Fall Out’ what he found to be so deplorable was that he resisted for so short a time. The second occasion he was brought back to The Village was for his ’Chimes of Big Ben’ assignment, and later in ’Once Upon A time.’ Of course this scene of Number 2 looking out over the Village would have happened only on the first occasion. Because on the two further occasions, as Number 2, he doesn’t have a residence in The Village. He has a room somewhere in Town Hall, as in that elaborate room in ‘Dance of The Dead.’ The Green Dome being only his office, and that makes me wonder what this gentleman’s cottage would have looked like on the day when he first woke up in what he thought at first was his own home, but only to find he had been abducted to The Village!
    Whenever I watch Number 2 looking out of that window, how tired he looks. After all he’s been up all-night reciting nursery rhymes to the slumbering Number 6. I always think that on its own it puts Number 2 to an immediate disadvantage once they are in the Embryo Room.

Be seeing you

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