Saturday 28 November 2015

Sixty Second Interview With No.42

    No.113 “You don’t know me, I’m Number One, One three, and this is my photographic colleague Number One, one three b. We contribute to The Tally Ho.
    No.113b “Smile” {click goes the camera}
    “You’re Dutton, Roland Walter Dutton, oops, we’re not supposed to use names here, I forgot for a moment. That’s a nice balloon you have there…………….What is it Number Six expected you to say?…………………What’s happened to you Dutt……Number Forty-Two?……………Its alright, if you have anything to say Court Jesters are the ones who can get away with saying the things other people lose their heads for………………That balloon on the end of your stick…………….its growing larger……………..oh no it can’t be!”        
   {Suddenly the room is filled with the sound of a blood curdling roar!}
    Voice of Number 2 “Everyone stay calm, and stand completely still!”       No. 113 “That’s all very well, but for how long?”

Reporter Number 113
Photographer Number 113b

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