Monday 30 November 2015

Thought for The Day

    Is it at all possible to imagine a particular Number 2 of one episode, and exchange him for another? Such as Number 2 from ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ how might he have faired in ‘Once Upon A time?’ Probably not as well as the current Number 2 in residence of that episode. And yet perhaps if Number 2 had been taken out of The Village environment and placed in a room with Number 6 in a one to one situation as in the Embryo Room of ’Once Upon A Time,’ that would have taken Number 2’s paranoia away from him. But in any case, wasn’t Number 2 in ’Hammer Into Anvil’ in a one to one situation with Number 6 anyway? Yes he had Number 14 as an assistant, but so had Number 2 an assistant in ’Once Upon A Time’ in the shape of the butler. Everyone else in ’Hammer Into Anvil’ was superfluous to the game being played out between Numbers 2 and 6, a game in which Number 6 had a distinct advantage playing on Number 2’s paranoia like that. Now if Number 2 of both ‘Chimes’ and OUAT had been Number 2 in ‘Hammer,’ then Number 6 wouldn’t have faired quite so well. But having written that, as it is, Number 2 didn’t fair so well in ‘Once Upon A Time.’ That week of deliberations between himself and Number 6 cost him his life.

Be seeing you

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