Thursday 17 December 2015

A Favourite Scene In The Prisoner

    Watching with Number 2 is Number 6, as Nadia Rakovaky wakes up in what she believes is her own home, wherever that might be. After watching ’The Chimes of Big Ben for the first time, the innocence of this woman has gone, I can’t believe in her any more. “Thank God I’m home” she says to herself, knowing full well that she’s not anywhere near her home. But admittedly she has not seen The Village before, so perhaps the shock of looking out of the window was genuine shock. That she couldn’t believe she was in such a picturesque place. Perhaps she thought being assigned to an internment camp, as she must have been, she might have thought she was going to wake up in something akin to a Russian Gulag in Siberia. I bet she didn’t expect anything like The Village!

Be seeing you

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