Monday 18 January 2016

Citizen 93

    It has been thought that the smaller the number, the more important the person, or the nearer to Number 1 one is. But take this fellow here, you may not see his face, but you can see part of his full beard, and you will certainly recognise his voice. He is the former Number 259, later to be Number 93 fictionally speaking who once confessed that he was disharmonious and inadequate. So it appears that confession is good for the soul, because here he is, Number 93 a delegate of the Assembly. Let us say that Number 259, a former Guardian in ‘The General’ got on. In fact he rose up through the ranks, and because of that they gave him a change of number to reflect that. Oh he didn’t quite make it into single figures, and 93 isn’t a particularly low number, so he’s not so important as to be placed further up the pecking order so as to be closer to Number 1. And yet he has become important enough to become a delegate on the Assembly. And because of that Number 93 may well be closer to Number 1 than even Number 2, if as might be suspected, Number 1 is the head of the Assembly. Because it is highly doubtful that any former Number 2 is a member of that Assembly. 

Be seeing you

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