Saturday 16 January 2016

No.6 Tells It Like It Is Or At Least Tries To!

   The man once known as Number 6 is permitted to make a statement which could only be his, but for them. And yet as the hero takes the stand and begins his speech he is shouted down. He stops and begins his speech again, but the result is the same, he is shouted down “I I I I I I I I I I I I I.” Thrice does the Prisoner attempt to make his speech, but the delegates of the Assembly have no wish to hear one word the Prisoner has to say. That’s surprising really, because after going to all the trouble to try and extract the reason behind his resignation, one would think they would want to hear what the Prisoner had to say for himself.

Be seeing you


  1. Hi David,
    Perhaps this was commentary about how society marginalizes people it sees as "different". The Bible says that in the end times people will become lovers of self...and we can see signs in the present time that people consider other people less and less...hence perhaps the I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I
    This scene is another one where the use of opposites is brought to the, the Village has commended The Prisoner for his resistance and earning the right to be an individual. However, when they invite him to speak, they drown him out with chants of I,I,I,I,I,I,I, to his frustration. After pushing, pressing, tricking, drugging, and every form of mind manipulation they could think of to make him talk...they invite him to talk and then shout him down.
    Society is evolving into a place where everyone is expected to think and voice the same thing..or be called hater, or worse. The right of free speech is being challenged..and cameras and drones are taking surveillance to new levels.
    I don't think that the "Village" is altogether a mythical place. Patrick McGoohan talked about "Progress" and "slowing down" to better understand what we're doing and where we're headed. Wise words that still make sense today!

    1. Hello Karen,
      Patrick McGoohan warned about the advance of technology. No-one listened, now it’s out of control, and we rely on technology more and more. Mobile phones were once a novelty, now people cannot live without them! Me? I’ve do not own a mobile phone, never had the desire to own one! But then without technology, I wouldn’t be able to put my Prisoner blog out there for devotees of ‘the Prisoner’ all around the world to read it. It all depends on how we use technology, and how much we allow it to take over our lives!

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

  2. Hi David . .
    I have to "confess" that I am using my cell phone to write to you !
    I use the Internet to obtain INFORMATION and do genealogy research . ..but I don't live on my computer for hours every day . ..too many things to do and see!
    I have added your blog because we share a common long as you have the time and interest I will continue reading and sharing my thoughts .


    1. Hallo Karen,
      I shall keep writing my blog, but as you read it you will notice one subtle difference, I have now taken the decision to post blog on alternate days. This is because I have other writing commitments, plus there are times when I struggle for inspiration for blog articles. And I want to keep my blog going, and by posting on alternate days this will help me. Mind you I’ve been my own worst enemy, because I used to post 5 pieces of blog a day, everyday. I came to realize I could no longer keep that pace up, and reduced it to three a day. Then I cut a day out, freeing me from my blog one day a week. Sometimes ideas come to me at a pace, so I write them up in advance. At other times, to quote the sonar operator in ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ there’s nothing coming through!
      I’m certainly enjoying reading your comments.

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

  3. Hi David ,
    I'm glad to know that you are okay with my I have been enjoying the "conversations" so much !
    I wondered if I was posting too much . I am semi-retired and have more time to watch . .read...and post than you possibly have .
    I've been joining some other boards about The Prisoner , Danger Man and Patrick McGoohan I will try not to overwhelm you with 50 posts a night.
    I just recently got a knee replacement and had time to start watching Danger Man and The Prisoner again...and I decided to do some research about the shows and the cast and crew on both shows .
    That's when I found your blog . .and the rest is history so they say!! :-)

    Best Regards ,

    1. Hallo Karen,
      I shall have further replies to your comments soon. Yes I have been enjoying our conversations, only I never thought to have so many in so short a time. Your comments are certainly interesting, thought out, and intelligent. It’s easy to see you have been enjoying yourself. Did you read the post about thePrisonerCon2017 being planned to be held in Seattle next year? Although I do realize that its on the opposite side of the continent to you.
      I have been a fan of ‘the Prisoner’ since I was 12 years old, and before that of ‘Danger Man,’ John Drake being my childhood hero. And because of that, for me personally as well as for other devotees, the Prisoner is and always will be John Drake. Some devotees say that the Prisoner is everyman, and I agree, so then I say can he not be John Drake if the Prisoner can be everyman, or anyone!
      I’m happy you are enjoying reading my blog, and trust you will continue to do so.

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

  4. Hi David,
    I just ordered some of the older Patrick McGoohan movies and tv appearances! I was told that This Day in Fear was an awesome movie, so I am waiting excitedly in anticipation!!!
    I saw 2 books or magazines about the making of The Prisoner, I believe they might have been Six Of One publications. They wanted about $45 for one and about $30 for the 2nd one. Not sure if I would find them worth that much money.
    Have you ever heard about a fire while Nor the Moon by Night was being filmed in Africa? I know about Pat having a car wreck and the cobra incident...but haven't seen anything about a fire.

    Hope you can get caught up on your other writing and MAYBE get at least one of your Prisoner manuscripts published!! I don't think that I would be disappointed in Pat McGoohan, after all, he is human...even though Number 2 had started to doubt it in A, B and C !!!

    Best Wishes,
    Karen BCNU

    1. Hello Karen,
      ‘This Day In Fear’ was a play produced in 1958 by the BBC, its is not a film. I have a copy of it on good old fashioned video tape. I thoroughly recommend it.
      I used to have many of Patrick McGoohan’s film appearances in ‘Colombo’ etcetera, but no longer. I retain ‘This Day In Fear,’ ‘Hell Drivers,’ and ‘All Night Long,’ but have let all the others go. I collected the films because that’s what members of Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society did back in the late 1980’s and 1990’s. But I’ve never truly been a fan of Patrick McGoohan the actor, only of ‘Danger Man,’ and ‘the Prisoner.’ Fans rave about Patrick McGoohan’s performance in ‘Brand,’ and praised his performance after a screening. I was at the event when ‘Brand’ was screened, there he was on the screen ranting and raving about something, eventually I fell asleep. Half an hour later I woke up and McGoohan was still there on the screen ranting and raving, it was as though I hadn’t missed anything! Mind you I don’t like Ibsen’s plays, they are too dark and depressing for my taste.

      I am catching up with all my other writings very nicely thank you for asking. Precisely Patrick McGoohan was human, with the frailties, and imperfections we all have.

      Best wishes
      Be seeing you

  5. Hi David . .'re right . ..please delete my previous message .

    Thank you !

