Tuesday 2 February 2016

A Singular Occurrence!

  Yesterday morning I had occasion to go out and about shopping. And as it happened I called into one of the many charity shops in the town. As I perused the DVDs on the shelves, the whole collection of the ‘Danger Man’ de Agostini DVDs 18 to 49 caught my eye. Then at the counter a young man was purchasing the Prisoner de Agostini DVDs as pictured above. I wouldn’t have taken any further notice, if it had not been for a singular occurrence. The young man was disappointed that disc 14 was missing from the collection. Disc 14 being the episode ‘Living In Harmony.’ As the assistant busied herself putting the discs into each cover, the young man asked her if disc 14 had been left in the back room, and not put on display with all the rest. But the assistant assured the customer that disc 14 was missing when the Prisoner and Danger Man de Agostini DVDs had been donated to the charity shop. I had a secret sympathy with that young man, and understood his disappointment. Because that’s how I had purchased the de Agostini Prisoner DVD’s a few years ago, minus ‘Living In Harmony’!

Be seeing you


  1. You didn't offer the poor chap your help by making a copy of the disc? How could you... ;-) - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      The thought never occured to me. However I know that as a collector only the real disc and the packaging would be sufficient to complete the set.

      Kind regards

  2. A strange coincidence and reminiscent of the 1960s screenings in the USA!
    Be seeing you

    1. Hello ZM72,
      Good to hear from you.
      Now that is a coincidence, I had not thought of it like that, nice one.

      I will be emailing you soon.
      Kind regards

  3. Astonishing that this should happen to someone else, I wonder if DeAgostini for some reason had some printing issues with that issue and made less than they did the others?
    Rick Davy.

    1. Hello Rick,
      Indeed, Morag and I had had the same thought.

      Kindest regards
      Be seeing you
