Thursday 4 February 2016

The Therapy Zone

The Man With No Name

   Bet you weren't expecting Clint!
   In ‘A Fistful of Dollars’ he was called Joe, by the old undertaker. In ‘For A Few Dollars More’ the name Manco was used. And in ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ he is called Blondie, a nickname surely. But then what's in a name?

  This man is known as the Prisoner, Number Six, or simply Six! So it would seem that these two characters have something in common name wise. But apart from that, one is a bounty hunter, the other an ex-Sheriff. The one being a natural killer outside of the law, the other once on the side of the law, may well have had enough of killing, putting his life on the line most days against two-bit gunslingers, and for a few dollars only. While the other is always looking for a few dollars more!
   There’s one other thing about The Man With No Name. In both ‘A Fistful of Dollars,’ and ‘For A Few Dollars More’ he wears a distinctive poncho. Yet he doesn’t actually get that poncho until a scene towards the end of ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.’ Which means the third film in the trilogy could be the first film, in the same way that it’s possible for ‘Fall Out’ to be the first episode of ‘the Prisoner’ series, as well as the last!

I'll be seeing you partner


  1. Hawk-eye David! An interesting find. A hypothesis only, as I don't remember well enough, the poncho scene could have been shot earlier and used in the last of the 3 films. Now, I need a new horse in order to leave this place... So then, show me you stables! - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      Ah no, its not possible for the poncho scene to have been shot in an earlier film, because of the action taking place It could only have been shot in the third film.
      Watch out, because there's another hawk-eye moment coming up tomorrow in Bureau of Visual Records.
      As for horses, one's $5,000, as for the rest, they're expensive!

      Best regards
