Sunday 28 February 2016

The Village A Smokeless zone!

   When Number 36 in ‘It's Your Funeral,’ told the chap at the kiosk that she couldn't go a whole day without her sweets, originally the script called for it to be cigarettes which she couldn't go a whole day without. I've sometimes wondered why the change. Perhaps it has to do with drug dependence, dependence on nicotine. Perhaps that is why we hardly see anyone smoking in The Village. And why The Village is completely teetotal, no alcohol served here, only non-alcoholic drinks, like gin, whisky, and vodka. Thereby cutting out the dependence on alcohol! Two things Patrick McGoohan enjoyed, smoking and drinking. It’s just a pity that after the mastering, and digital enhancement carried out on the film of ‘the Prisoner,’ that McGoohan’s nicotine stained fingers are so prominent in many scenes! But when it comes to drug addiction, Number 38 couldn’t go a day without her sweets!

Be seeing you

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