Thursday 10 March 2016

A Favourite Scene In THEPRIS6NER

    Two appears to be a kindly old gentleman. Pictured here he hands 1,100 an ice cream. 1,100 is top of her class in surveillance, and having been given an assignment by her teacher Six, she sets up a roach cam in Two’s home. How she actually gained access to Palais 2 is unknown. However having done so, Two does discover the roach cam, and sees that it’s set at 1,100’s height. For her betrayal of Two, 1,100 is to be given treatment, and very soon after being handed an ice cream, two men in white coats come for 1,100 and take her away in a black Bedford van. The sad thing is 1,100 isn’t even given time to finish the ice cream! And in that regard I always find the following picture rather sad, 1,100 having dropped her ice cream as she was bundled into the back of the black Bedford van by two men in white coats!
    One day last week when I was out and about the town, there, on the ground, an ice cream cone, it made me stop and think, just for a moment!

Breathe in….Breathe out….More Village

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