Thursday 21 April 2016

An Almost Moke-less Zone!

    There is a distinct lack of Village transport in certain episodes ‘The General,’ ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ ‘Its Your Funeral,’ ‘A Change of Mind,’ and ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling.’
   In ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ Number 14 does drive a Mini-Moke in order to go and pick up Number 6 somewhere in the countryside. However after leaving the Green Dome, Number 2, had to walk with Number 14 to the Town Hall to pay a call on the Control Room. Although the Bomb Disposal Team did have a Mini-Moke, fitted with a curious high pitched siren!
    In ‘It’s Your Funeral, there is a glimpse of a Mini-Moke as it passes along the road by the steps at the back of the General Stores. Yes the Mini Moke does appear in the Central Piazza, but that is in stock film footage from ‘Dance of The Dead.’ Even ‘A Change of Mind’ has to rely mostly on film stock footage for its Mini-Mokes except for two scenes. Once in the woods when two orderlies pick up Number 6 to take him to the hospital for his medical check-up, and that takes place on a set at
MGM film studios. Having said that, much the same can be said of ‘The General,’ when the two Guardians having found Number 6 playing truant down on the beach, give him a ride home in a Mini-Moke, dropping him off outside his cottage. Rather as in the scene in ‘A Change of Mind’ when Number 86 drops Number 6 outside his cottage, having been given a ride home from the hospital. And during that ride home, most of the scene is made up from film footage from ‘Free For All.’ And finally in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ the Mini-Moke only appears by via film footage taken from other episodes, chiefly ‘Arrival.’ In fact taking all the 17 episodes into consideration, there are really only about a handful or so of episodes in which the Mini-Moke appears in its own right, and not via re-used film stock footage. 

Be seeing you

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