Friday 15 April 2016

Quote For The Day

    "So to the outside world, I'll be dead!"
                                   {Number Six - Dance of the Dead}

    The body which Number 6 found washed up on the beach, who I believe is Number 34, in ‘Dance of the Dead,’ used that body as a receptacle. To carry a message to someone, to anyone, whoever might find it in the outside world. One can only imagine exactly what the message said, as we are aware of only the first few words. “To whoever may find this...........” After that the content of the message can only be guessed at, but it might well have a connection to the Colonel. With instructions of how to get the note to him.
    Yes there was a map with the letter, but there was no indication of longitude, or latitude, and the only compass bearing is an arrow pointing northwards!
    However the message never got through. Number 6 did cast the corpse adrift into the sea, secured to a lifebelt. But the body was discovered, probably by the crew of M.S. Polotska, and taken to The Village mortuary. The body of the dead man is to be amended, likewise the contents in of the wallet in the dead man's pocket. So that it will be Number 6 who has died in an accident at sea. And so to the rest of the world, he’ll be dead. If you think about it, this is a variation on a theme. It was once Cobb who had supposedly died, so that to Number6, Cobb is dead!

Be seeing you

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