Monday 11 April 2016

Thought For The Day

    It all began with a falling out amongst friends, and the sudden realisation of who Number 6 had become, and what he is responsible for. He couldn’t take the truth that he was responsible for The Village. So he rebelled, he caused rebellion, death, and mayhem. And as soon as he could, he escaped, then upon returning to London he went and resigned. But that was only the beginning, because there would be consequences for his action. In resigning he had made a prisoner of himself in The Village living out a series of events, and so it goes on, until there is an eventual falling out amongst friends, and the sudden realisation of who Number 6 had become, and what he is responsible for. He couldn’t take the truth that he was responsible for The Village. So he rebelled, he caused rebellion, death, and mayhem. And as soon as he could, he escaped, then upon returning to London he went and resigned. But that was only the beginning, because there would be consequences for his action, in resigning he had made a prisoner of himself in The Village living out a series of events, and so it goes on, until there is an eventual falling out amongst friends, and the sudden realisation of who Number 6 had become, and what he is responsible for. He couldn’t take the truth that he was responsible for The Village. So he rebelled, he caused rebellion, death, and mayhem. And as soon as he could, he escaped, then upon returning to London he went and resigned. But that was only the beginning, because there would be consequences for his action, in resigning he had made a prisoner of himself in The Village living out a series of events, and so it goes on, until there is an eventual falling out amongst friends, and the sudden realisation of who Number 6 had become, and what he is responsible for. He couldn’t take the truth that he was responsible for The Village. So he rebelled, he caused rebellion, death, and mayhem. And as soon as he could, he escaped, then upon returning to London he went and resigned. But that was only the beginning, because there would be consequences for his action, in resigning he had made a prisoner of himself in The Village living out a series of events, and so it goes on, until there is an eventual falling out amongst friends, and the sudden realisation of who Number 6 had become, and what he is responsible for. He couldn’t take the truth that he was responsible for The Village. So he rebelled, he caused rebellion, death, and mayhem. And as soon as he could, he escaped, then upon returning to London he went and resigned. And so it goes…………well until someone presses the stop button on the video or DVD player. And yes, I still watch ‘the Prisoner’ on good old fashioned video tape!

Be seeing you

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