Monday 23 May 2016

The Therapy Zone

    I sit here typing these words with The Village in my mind’s eye. Even though it has been several years since I was there, I can still walk its streets and cobbled paths. Passed familiar buildings, walking in the footsteps of Number 6. Its a sunny day, theres the regular Brass Band concert, but no human chess match today. People in brightly coloured clothes are promenading in the Piazza, around the pool and fountain. A vendor is dispensing The Tally Ho, the headline reads What Are Facts Behind Town Hall? As if they would tell the general citizens that, do me a favour! Enough was learned about Town Hall and its workings in both Free For All and Dance of The Dead. In the latter we learned that democracy in The Village had been dispensed with, seeing as even at best, free democracy is remarkably inefficient. But just a minute, originally Dance of the Dead was to have been the second episode in the series, and Free For All third. So if that had actually been the case in the screening order of the series, and if we are to believe what Number 2 told Number 6 in Dance of The Dead, about democracy having been dispensed with in The Village. Then the democratic process of local free elections of Free For All might well have been reinstated just for the benefit of Number 6!

Be seeing you


  1. Hi David,
    I believe that you're onto something with your idea that the elections in Free for All were put on just for Number 6's benefit (?)
    Everything about the election was already set up...from the placards with Number 6's picture appearing just after he agreed to "run" the Tally Ho article taking up an entire page from only 5 questions he was asked...etc.
    After the votes were counted and Number 2 led Number 6 out to greet his constituents...none of the Villagers even cared that he had won....or showed approval or any emotion at all.
    It was almost as if Number 6 was in a Number 2 led him by the hand up to the green dome...and the new Number 2 had to prod him to get him to start pushing the buttons on the command console.
    Then, as he shouted that the villagers could leave, they didn't even acknowledge that they heard anything over the loudspeakers. Do ALL of the other villagers WORK for the village??? Are they so brainwashed that they assume any and all events are completely under the control of the village?
    Finally, after the men beat Number 6, why didn't they take him to the hospital to be checked out instead of taking him to his flat and putting him to bed? He could have had internal injuries after such a rough beating!


    1. Dear Karen,
      Of course the election was put on for Number 6’s benefit. They knew it was something he wouldn’t be able to resist, such is the man’s predictability!
      The article in The Tally Ho has nothing whatsoever to do with the interview carried out by Number 113, how could it, the article was written and published long before Number 6 took up Number 2’s offer to stand for election!
      That’s right, none of the citizens showed any emotion as Number 6 was presented to them on the steps of the Town Hall as the new Number 2, there was no elation, no celebration , but one or two did look at the new Number 2 with suspicion, perhaps not knowing what to expect from him!
      It was a vicious fight, and Number 6 does take a beating, but no damaged organs, seeing as the two motor mechanics wore boxing gloves!

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

  2. Hi David . .
    I saw that the guys who were punching Number 6 were wearing boxing gloves . ..however mostly they were hitting him in the abdomen .
    So the depiction of blood coming from his mouth COULD have been a really bad sign ..that of internal damage to his organs.
    I just thought it would have made more sense for Number 6 to have been put into the Mini Moke "ambulance " and sent off for a check up for the closing scene..since previously there was dialogue about his value to them and NOT damaging the tissue .
    Evidently the tissue referred to was the brain only...but then all kinds of physical torture could have been used to TRY to get the answer . ...AHHHH...BUT...Number 6 is different . won't get an answer THAT way....


    1. Hallo Karen,
      Yes that’s a good observation. And to be honest I have always thought that’s why the Mini-Moke with its Red Cross trailer was there, waiting to take someone to the hospital. Number 6 being the most likely contender for that. But perhaps the medics upon examining Number 6 found his injuries not life threatening, and that’s why they took him back to his cottage on a stretcher. Just an idea.
      Number 6 is an advocate of good old fashioned brute force, he sees it as being quite effective. But he’s well trained, and can himself stand up to almost any amount of brute force, and not break!

      Be seeing you
