Thursday 19 May 2016

Thought For The Day

    Of the original series of the Prisoner Number 2 {Leo McKern} has always been my favorite, I suppose its the way he and Number 6 shared a rapport. But really this Number 2 had it relatively easy, after all, all he had to do was to see that Number 6 went unhampered in his attempt to escape The Village with Number 8. If the plan to extract the reason why the Prisoner resigned went wrong, which it did, then no blame could be laid at his door. Nadia Rakovsky told him that he did his best, that she would stress that in her report. It was an elaborate plan, to see Number 6 escape The Village, to make him think that he had endured a twelve hour journey back to England, to finally arrive in an office he knew in London. And yet the plan almost worked, if Post 14 had been more on the ball with his time keeping………or if Number 2 had made sure that his wrist watch had been set at the correct time…….but then how could Number 2 have taken into account the fact that Number 6s wristwatch would become waterlogged, and so the need to borrow Post 5s/Karels wristwatch? He couldn’t have done, no-one could.

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,
    no one could, I agree. But I wonder if the same issue had occured had Number 6 kept his own watch. Shouldn't it have been set to the same time as Karels?
    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,
      Yes the very same issue would most certainly have occured, because Number 6's wrist watch would have been set at the same time as Karel's/Post 5!
      Best wishes

  2. Wouldn't Number 6's wristwatch have been kept on London time, since that was where he was living when they kidnapped him from his flat? If Karel/Post 5 was from Lithuania or Poland, then that would explain the difference in the watch settings. If I were Number 6 and didn't want to accept anything from the village I would keep my watch set on the time that I wanted to...NOT what they wanted me to set it to!!
    HA !
    Be Seeing You!

    1. Hallo Karen,
      I was pleasantly surprised at how busy you have been not only reading my blog, but taking time to write so many comments. I shall have to set some time aside to read them all properly, to give them the attention they deserve and to reply to them all. So please bear with me on that. But for the moment………
      Yes indeed Number 6’s wrist watch would have been set at London time, so was Karel/Post5’s, so there was no difference in the time settings. This is because Karel/Post 5 isn’t in Poland, and The Village is not in Lithuania. The Village is in the same time zone as England, that’s why the time of Number 6’s watch would have been the same as Post 5’s.
      As for the idea that if you were Number 6 having your wristwatch set at a different time to anyone else in The Village, that’s all well and good. However they could always change the time anytime they like. It could even have been changed when he arrived unconscious in The Village, they had unlimited opportunity for such a thing. Remember how Number 100 exchanged Number 6’s wrist watch for an identical one in ‘It’s Your Funeral.’ Number 6 was completely unaware of this, save for the fact his watch had stopped.

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

  3. Hi David,
    Yes, you are right about the Village being able to manipulate anything and everything in Number 6's room...even down to HIM !

    Best wishes,
