Monday 25 July 2016

Quote For The Day

    "Sleep, sleep, that's it sleep until tomorrow, lovely gentle sleep, and a lovely tomorrow."
                    {The seductive female announcer - –Dance of the Dead}

   Poor old Number 6, he couldn’t get to sleep! Oh not because that cat was lying on his bed, but because he didn’t drink his nightcap of hot chocolate. And when he lay back on the recliner, there came a seductive female voice that tried to lull Number 6 to sleep. She makes it sound like a dose of brainwashing to me “A lovely tomorrow" my foot, but there are times when it does look so for some! Mind you the female announcer does appear to believe her own words. In fact I can see her face, sense the ecstasy she feels as she speaks those words.
    "Sleep, sleep, that's it sleep until tomorrow, lovely gentle sleep, and a lovely tomorrow."
     It seems to me that she's the one who's been brainwashed!

    Be seeing you, and a lovely tomorrow to you all.

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