Friday 15 July 2016

Village People!

   Clearly the woman pushing the wheelchair is working as a housemaid, as indeed is the woman wearing the same uniform in the background, both looking after two residents they clean for. Obviously the senior citizen wrapped up against the elements, is on a trip out from the Old People’s Home, the tinted face visor protection against ultraviolet rays of the sun.
   It’s always possible that the housemaids were recruited to The Village via an employment agency. After all not everyone in The Village is brought there as a prisoner. However they can be abducted and then persuaded to work for The Village finding it impossible to leave.   
    As for the senior citizen in the wheelchair, what might it have been that saw her brought to The Village? Women rarely held “top jobs” in those days. They could be confidential secretaries, and knew as much as their bosses. Unless of course British Intelligence are using women as agents, after all ‘B’ of ‘A B and C’ was a spy. Apparently women in the S.OE {Special Operations Executive} during the war made better agents than men. So perhaps in those respects women could find themselves abducted to the Village in order to have any such information they might have, protected or extracted.
    So this old woman arrived in The Village, perhaps having been abducted in her youth or middle age, as I’m not sure the administration took to oversee the abduction of old people to The Village. So if the old woman is in her late seventies, she might have been brought to The Village in her 30’s or 40’s, that would take it back to the 1920’s or 30’s, certainly before the war, and has been looked after in The Village ever since.

Be seeing you


  1. If the senior woman was actually brought to the Village when she was in her 30s or 40s it would mean that this institution has been in existence since the early 20th century! It would mean that major changes were made in the course of time, especially the surveillance techniques would have been installed, the command room of No. 2 built etc. Because before the arrival of electronical computerised surveillance there would have been fences, armed guards and so on. I find this a bit improbable, yet not impossible. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      It was only a guess about when that senior woman had been brought to The Village, she could have been younger! Certainly I personally like to think The Village has been in existence since the early part of the 20th century. Number 6 asked Number 240 how long The Village has been going, since the war, before the war, which war? To which Number 240 replied “A long time!” and yes major technological changes would have taken place to The Village over the years, and why not? That would only be natural as The Village improved its security. There might not have been the surveillance in the beginning, but I don’t visualize wire fences, but armed guards located at strategic positions, don’t forget Post 5 in ‘The Chimes of Big Ben.’ Guards like him could be posted along the estuary and coastline, and inland.
      The Village had to come into existence at some point. Some people like to think that The Village didn’t exist until the advent of Number 6. But they should remember that Cobb, for example, was in The Village before Number 6. And also Roland Walter Dutton, if ‘Dance of The Dead’ is placed as the second episode as originally intended. Dutton would have been in The Village a couple of months before the arrival of Number 6, at least that’s what he told Number 6.

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

  2. Hmm.. makes me think that the Village might have been created in 1928..
    Best wishes, BCNU!

    1. Let me guess: as a seaside resort for the "very very nervous". Oh, that would have been in 1926 and Mel Brooks its originator... (sorry, mustn't bee too silly here). - BCNU!

    2. Hello Arno,
      When one takes into account those citizens enjoying themselves on the beach in certain episodes, The Village certainly appears to be a holiday resort!

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

    3. Hello Jana,
      On a psychological level 1928 is the year Number 6 was born, and on a physical level 1928 is before the war, so why not?

      Best regards
      Be seeing you

    4. Hello David,
      yes, that's what I was thinking. To look at it that way even would be compatible to seeing the Village as the mind or a mind-set of the Prisoner.
      Best regards,

  3. If I'm not mistaken, the lady pushing the wheelchair appears as a maid at the bandstand when McGoohan and Maskell are plotting while watching the concert.
    Rick Davy.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, the lady pushing the wheelchair appears as a maid at the bandstand when McGoohan and Maskell are plotting while watching the concert.
    Rick Davy.

    1. Hell Rick,
      I’m afraid you are mistaken, I didn’t think she was there. So just to make sure I checked the scene and there’s no sign of the maid!! I have a piece of blog coming up soon which you will find interesting, about characters appearing in different scenes throughout The Village.

      Best regards
      Be seeing you
