Thursday 18 August 2016

Bureau of Visual Records

   It’s difficult to see this Village Fire Station in ‘The Prisoner.’ You can just make out the top of the doors to this annex of the Town Hall in ‘Arrival,’ when Number 2 and the Prisoner are being driven up the hill into The Village, just before the taxi comes to a stop outside the Town Hall. 
   The Village must have a fire engine {after all there is a Village hearse Mini-Moke with its black and white striped canopy, even if isn’t visible at Cobb’s funeral, and not forgetting the Bomb Disposal team} and this is where it’s kept. That in turns makes me wonder what The Village fire engine might look like. Something like this perhaps……………
………………. but imagining the above fire engine in Village livery, perhaps towing behind it a water bowser for the hoses to be connected to.

Be seeing you

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