Monday 22 August 2016

It’s As Though The Village Was Deserted Again!

    On the morning of ‘Dance of The Dead’ Number 6 wakes up in much the same way he does on the morning of ‘Many Happy Returns’ when he found The Village deserted. In both scenes in the two episodes Number 6 opens a door and looks out on the Piazza to see that no-one was out and about. There is another similarity between these two scenes, the fact that a few moments after Number 6 closes the door of his cottage, The Village comes instantly to life! In ‘Dance of The Dead’ the Prisoner’s breakfast is being brought to him, and the post is delivered, as citizens who were not there a few moments ago, now parade about the Piazza dressed in fancy dress. While in ‘Many Happy Returns’ the electricity and water are turned on, and as the Prisoner looks out of a window of his cottage, citizens who were not there a few moments ago now parade around the Piazza! Two separate episodes, yet linked by the same feeling of an empty Village brought to life in much the same way, yet at very different times of the year!

Be seeing you

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