Sunday 11 September 2016

Caught On Camera!

    Or rather not in this case! Where is Number 22?
    Number 6 having realized the truth of what had been happening in Harmony, he hears the Brass Band playing, and sets off along a country track-way to find the source of the music. The Village he finds is less than a hundred yards away, and stands looking down upon an almost deserted Piazza. He then goes to the Green Dome where he finds Number 2 and Number 8 together, the Kid and the Judge. But what of Cathy-Number 22, she only appears in the scene in close-up, not in long-shot. And for that matter where’s the Penny Farthing bicycle gone?

Be seeing you

1 comment:

  1. Hi David,
    Perhaps Rover took the pennyfarthing bicycle out for a spin????

