Thursday 1 September 2016

Citizen No.22

    I should be careful if I were you Cathy, can I call you Cathy? It seems so much more personal than Number 22. Is that a tear for you or Number 6, or should that be The Man With No Name, or both of you together? After all you and he did what you would have done in a real situation, and you lost him. On the other hand it couldn’t have been easy for you to stand there and watch yourself on that wall screen being strangled to death by the Kid, that would be a mental torment too far! He had an unnatural fixation about you, which bordered on an obsessive nature. If the Kid was like that, what price Number 8? Might not he have a fixation about you, Number 22? If you were so affected by what happened in Harmony, perhaps the same can be said of Number 8, and is likely to behave in the same way as the Kid given a real situation. And you wouldn’t want that….would you? So whatever you do, do not return to the scene of the crime.
Ah, too late!

Be seeing you

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