Tuesday 27 September 2016

Standing for Election!

   Number 6 thought he might as well take up Number 2’s suggestion of standing as a candidate for the position of Number 2, during the local election. No doubt he thought it not fun to do exactly, but perhaps it’s something to do while he’s waiting. Waiting for what exactly, a chance to escape? But Number 6 underestimated Number 2’s power of manipulation, aided by mind conditioning and mind controlling drugs. But a fool always falls for praise, flattery, and a bit of good old fashioned flannel! As it is Number 6 is just the type of candidate Number 2 wants to run against him….a gullible one! However there comes a point when the drugs and mind conditioning begin to wear off, and Number 6 is returning to his senses. He is suddenly repulsed by the fact that he’s wearing his badge, well at least his number. And no doubt he then regretted his decision to stand for election, because he cannot wait to get as far away from The Village as possible…..his chance for escape is at hand!

Be seeing you

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